Thursday, January 04, 2007


A few days ago I saw news headlines about the deaths of Gerald Ford, James Brown, and Saddam Hussein on the same page. An interesting threesome, aren’t they?

Gerald Ford, born in Nebraska, raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Eagle Scout, center on University of Michigan football team, law school, in navy during WWII, married and father of four, elected to congress, eventually Vice President and President of the US, dies at age 93.

James Brown, born during the Depression in South Carolina, jailed for armed robbery, later drawn to gospel music, then rhythm and blues, becomes the “godfather of soul,” given lifetime achievement Grammy award, yet never learns to read music, dies of heart failure.

Saddam Hussein, born in Iraq, abused by stepfather, raised by uncle, leaves law school to join revolutionary Baath Party, BP takes power in 1963 coup, he becomes government “strongman,” clutches at land and oil in Iran-Iraq war, lashes out at Kurds, invades Kuwait, deposed in 2003, hanged in 2006 for crimes against humanity.

These men led profoundly different lives, yet they had this in common: their days were numbered. Death can’t be evaded, not by power or fame or wealth or anything. Death is a great equalizer; the small and the great are suddenly the same. And the only question will be whether or not Someone has paid the penalty for your defiance of Almighty God. Do you know and trust in Jesus Christ so that you’re ready for death (John 3:16)? Have you received his gift of resurrection life (11:25)?

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