Friday, December 08, 2006


Ephesians 5:17 talks about knowing God’s will. The big picture (Eph 1:9-11) is that the Lord wills to bring all things under the reign of Christ, and toward that end he is forming an international fellowship of formerly-hostile but now-reconciled people into one new body, the church (2:11-22). In more personal terms, God’s will for your life is to walk in holiness (1 Thessalonians 4:3).

But some questions remain unanswered: Should you go to Penn State or Taylor University or enlist or get a job? Should you pop the question? Should you make a career change? Should you study linguistics and join Wycliffe and translate the Bible for an unreached people group?

Although I can’t answer these questions for you, God makes his will known, in his time, when we are:

  1. in the Word (the Lord never “speaks” to his people in ways that contradict what he has already revealed in the Scriptures)
  2. in conversation with him through prayer
  3. truly open to all possibilities
  4. patient (trust God to make waiting therapeutic)
  5. humbly receptive counsel from mature Christians, including leaders in your church
  6. aware of your spiritual gifts
  7. stepping out in faith to serve the Lord (you can’t steer a parked car).


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