You simply can’t overstate the bedrock importance in Christianity of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Put it this way: the resurrection is the keystone at the center of God’s grand arch spanning from history to eternity, bridging over the chasm of sin and death; without it, the whole structure of salvation comes tumbling down.
This, of course, means the resurrection—Christ’s historical, physical return from death to life—is not one of those peripheral points or secondary issues on which believers may feel free to differ. No, it’s pivotal and essential. I base this on Paul’s clear and relentless line of argumentation in 1 Corinthians 15:14-19. IF Jesus Christ was not raised from the dead...
- - Faith in Christ is useless and futile;
- - Preaching of Christ and spreading the Gospel are in vain;
- - Believers are false witnesses—we’re liars (i.e., about Jesus being raised and about our future beyond this life);
- - Believers are still in their sins—i.e., not forgiven, guilty of violating God’s justice and holiness, enemies of God;
- - Christians who’ve died are hopelessly lost forever;
- - We’re a pitiful lot—more pitiful than any other people on earth.
So the resurrection of Jesus is right at the heart of Christian belief—deny it or dismiss it or reduce it to some notion of “living on in our memory” and, very simply, it you’re no longer dealing with New Testament Christianity.
As you reflect on the importance of Christ’s resurrection, I hope it strikes you as glorious and breathtaking! Giving mental assent to Bible truths is crucial, but crucial as well is “getting it” deep down in your soul. The resurrection is no mere fact: it’s God’s magnificent stroke of victory in battle against sin, Satan and death (does your heart leap up and cheer?). And it’s the ray of hope for all who trust Jesus for true eternal life!
So stand in awe: Christ is risen—he is risen indeed!
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