Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Summertime Christianity

During summer, a number of temptations come at followers of Christ with added force. I’ll name three.

For one, there’s the unspoken appeal to lower your priority on the body life of the church and mutual encouragement due to summer’s special attractions: away at the shore / the lake / the cabin / the farm, on vacation, gone camping, off to see relatives, etc. Now, of course, it’s good to get a break—we all need it. And it’s good to reconnect with loved ones who live far away. But a reasonable summer break can quickly slide into a vanishing act in which your brothers and sisters in your church family hardly get a glimpse of you. Don’t snub the body of Christ to keep pace with the summer rat-race!

Another trap along the trail has to do with summer apparel. Are you prepared to glorify the Lord by dressing with modesty and discretion? Modesty may not be exactly in fashion, but there are more important things than dressing in the latest skimpy style. Godly people find it a great relief when those around them don’t make their bodies “exhibit A.” Think about how you can encourage others by how you dress. Think about how you can help fellow believers who are struggling to be faithful to Christ with their eyes.

A third pot-hole along the summer road is the disarray that can overrun your devotional life. A fruit of more predictable scheduling in other seasons of the year is the regularity we can find for the spiritual disciplines (e.g., Bible reading, prayer, fasting, meditation)—we’re creatures of habit, and that has its advantages. So, be deliberate, build protected “space” into your summer schedule so that your spiritual life can flourish!

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