Thursday, November 08, 2018

Pride of Cowardice

Pondering John Piper's remarks about pride--how it not only takes the form of boasting but also cowardice.  So helpful as a word of challenge to all who follow Jesus, and especially to all who are leaders.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Thursday, September 06, 2018

Slanted Scripture for Social Media?

Jen Wilkin threw the Christian social media world a curve with her post last year, "Beware the Instagram Bible."  Recently she was interviewed and discussed ways that the social media platform can favor a slanted or incomplete picture of the Bible's message.  This raises great questions for every Christian to consider:  What presuppositions (self-imposed) or pressures (from external influences) are getting in the way of our believing and sharing "the whole counsel of God" (Acts 20:27)?  And how does a given forum of communication (e.g., social media) tilt conversations in one direction or another?  What are the unwritten rules about things you "can" and "cannot" say?

Monday, August 13, 2018

The Jordan Peterson Phenomenon

Tony Reinke interviews Alistair Roberts about the ideas and impact of Jordan Peterson.  I appreciate how this overview steers listeners away from simplistic responses by pointing out that Peterson's message both resonates with certain Christian ideas and yet also deeply contradicts key foundations of Christianity.  Helpful, as well, is the way Roberts addresses questions about what the church can learn from the impact Peterson is having in today's world.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Basic yet Vital Truths about Love

I really appreciate Christopher Ash's summary of key truths about love, including how love factors into marriage according to God's design.  Ash provides a "big picture" view of how human love makes sense in light of the love of God.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The De-Conversion Playbook

Michael Kruger provides a very helpful overview and analysis of the "de-conversion playbook" followed by numerous post-evangelical leaders as they seek to justify revisionist readings of Scripture and draw still-evangelical Christians to follow their lead into progressive enlightenment.  Kruger's penetrating analysis centers on Jen Hatmaker's recent interview with Peter Enns and Jared Byas.

Kruger's conclusion:

In the end, there’s no doubt Hatmaker’s de-conversion story will be persuasive to our postmodern world.  And I am sure some will adopt her newfound theology as a result.

But, upon closer examination, it is rife with problems.  While claiming to be non-judgmental, she declares the fruit of those who believe in traditional marriage as “rotten.”  Despite her insistence that the Bible should be read without certainty, she offers all sorts of dogmatic claims about what the Bible teaches. While claiming her views are due to a deep study of Scripture, she offers only simplistic explanations for the Bible’s condemnation of homosexuality, while disregarding 2000 years of church history.

Yes, we should not settle for pat answers.  But, sometimes the Bible does give clear answers. And when it does, we should be willing to listen and receive them.