Friday, January 23, 2015

"This Life Only"

I'm struck by the logic and power of God's sharp word in 1 Corinthians 15:19 (it's like a scalpel--sharp but good):  "If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied."

Not only is it pitiful to follow a kind of "Christianity" that denies or disregards the historical, bodily resurrection of Jesus and/or the promise of bodily resurrection into glorious future life for all who trust in Jesus, but it's pitiful as well when we say we believe these things but still live in such a way that our heart's passion and energy and attention is all caught up in the here-and-now.

And yet, that kind of pitiful state is so easy to fall into!  "Lord, awaken my silly heart from its dream of earthly bliss and from the illusion of the world's security, and focus it in on real joy, the lasting and infinite joy of knowing you--now and forever."

Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Pope and the Limits of Free Speech

In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks, Pope Francis has made ill-considered remarks inviting the conclusion that, at some point or in some manner, insulting words will / do (must?) provoke a forceful reply.  This is being construed, for example, by Vox as follows:  "Pope Francis on free speech: if you insult religion, expect violence."  

According to the Vatican News Service, "Pope Francis said on Thursday that there are limits to freedom of expression, especially when it insults or ridicules someone’s faith....  Pope Francis was asked by a French journalist about the relationship between freedom of religion and freedom of expression.  He replied saying that both are "fundamental human rights" and stressed that killing in the name of God “is an aberration.” But he said there were limits to that freedom of expression.  By way of example he referred to Alberto Gasparri who organizes the papal trips and was standing by his side on the plane. The Pope said if “his good friend Dr Gasparri” says a curse word against his mother, he can “expect a punch”, and at that point he gestured with a pretend punch towards him, saying: “It’s normal. You cannot provoke. You cannot insult the faith of others.  You cannot make fun of the faith of others.”"  

How this "punch" fits into Christian teaching is a puzzle--it surely doesn't seem to square with Jesus' message about love for enemies (Luke 6:27, 35).  Better to leave the matter of applying force to the state, since civil government has the responsibility to preserve law and order and to use means, even force when necessary, to protect citizens and apply justice (Romans 13:1-7).

[Jan. 17 update:  Numerous other reports are questioning the pope's remarks--e.g., British Prime Minister David Cameron, who contends that it is wrong to endorse revenge:  "I think in a free society, there is a right to cause offence about someone’s religion. I’m a Christian; if someone says something offensive about Jesus, I might find that offensive, but in a free society I don’t have a right to wreak vengeance on them."  And former Bishop of Oxford, Richard Harries, writes, "I am a great admirer of the Pope but when, to make the proper point that we should not insult the faith of others, he said his assistant could “expect a punch” if he cursed his mother, I was aghast."]

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Startling Good News

I appreciate Amy Hall's post at Stand to Reason about the startling figure of the suffering Messiah:  "We forget how entirely unexpected and shocking the humility and servanthood of Jesus is—how foreign it is to human expectations of God, and in this case, to Muslim expectations."

Monday, January 05, 2015

14 Ways to Sabotage Your Prayer Life

  1. Pray only when you feel like it.  Disregard any fanatic ideas of praying “day and night” or “without ceasing.”
  2. Try to impress God with pious prayer performances so that you can win max­imum spiritual credit.
  3. Pray publicly with an eye to exhibiting your “spiritual maturity” for others to admire.
  4. Let your prayers degenerate into mindless repetitions.  Re­cycle the same old phrases even when your mind is far away.
  5. Imagine that it taxes God’s ability to meet your needs and respond in the best possible way to your prayers.
  6. Convince yourself that God doesn’t really care about you and your silly little struggles and trials and tears anyhow.
  7. Pretend that God doesn’t like to be bothered, and that he’s “put out” by your numerous cries and appeals.
  8. View prayer as a way of putting God’s arm behind his back.
  9. Demand instant results.  Dismiss the idea that God would have you persevere in prayer, or that your loving Heavenly Father might be free to answer, “No.”
  10. Imagine that prayer won’t make any difference anyhow.
  11. Shrink prayer by equating it with asking.  So bypass all that fluff (like praise, confession, thanksgiving) and go straight to the real thing:  your requests.
  12. Reserve the worst hours of your day for prayer.  This way you can give to God what has the least value to you.
  13. Think of prayer as doing God a favor.
  14. Reduce prayer to a mental exercise, a sort of self-therapy to put the mind at ease, and in this way remove God from the picture entirely.  How about that, prayer without God!