Friday, February 22, 2013

Fumbling the Ball

Al Mohler has some thoughtful analysis of Tim Tebow's recent decision to withdraw from a speaking commitment at First Baptist Church of Dallas.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

On Purity

Jen Pollock Michel, in her article, "Virginity Isn't Our Holy Grail," rightly identifies “the real question:  How do we talk about sexual sin in ways that don’t shame and yet stay faithful to the biblical truth that sex outside of marriage is, after all, sin (Heb. 13:4)?”  True—we want to communicate God’s grace to sinners (i.e., all of us—whether we’re talking about sexual sin or some other variety), but we also want to be clear that God calls his people to resist temptation and lead holy lives.  It is a fine but crucial biblical balance.  

But this wise standard is then cast aside as hopelessly impractical with this faithless claim:  “Because let’s be honest:  Can we hope for purity with horny high school kids?”  

To summarize the resulting dissonant message:  Let’s extend God’s grace and also pursue godliness—and yet, forget the part about pursuing godliness because young people don’t stand a chance against the force of raging hormones.  

The drift of the article, in the end, is to inspire doubt and discouragement as to the possibility of honoring God in our sexual lives.  

Not helpful.